Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College Various Post Recruitment 2023

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Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa, a renowned institution committed to providing quality healthcare and education, has recently announced several job openings for various positions.

Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa Announces Multiple Vacancies for Various Post in 2023

As the college continues to expand its operations, it seeks highly qualified professionals to join its team. This presents a valuable opportunity for individuals seeking a fulfilling career in the medical field. Let’s take a closer look at the different positions available:

LBKMCH Saharsa Various Post Vacancies Details: 

  1. Social Media & Media Manager: Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa is looking for a skilled and creative Social Media & Media Manager to enhance its online presence and engage with the community. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in social media marketing, content creation, and managing digital campaigns, video editing, hospital event managing, good versed in hindi & english  knowledge. Responsibilities include developing social media strategies, creating engaging content, monitoring online trends, and maintaining brand consistency.
  2. Marketing Officer: As a Marketing Officer at Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa, you will play a crucial role in promoting the hospital’s programs and services. The selected candidate will be responsible for designing and implementing marketing campaigns, conducting market research, and coordinating with various stakeholders. This position requires excellent communication skills, strategic thinking, and a passion for promoting healthcare services.
  3. Hospital Manager/Administrator (Assistant): The position of Hospital Manager/Administrator at Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa is an integral role that ensures the efficient operation of the medical facility. The candidate will oversee the day-to-day administrative tasks, manage budgets, coordinate with department heads, and maintain regulatory compliance. Strong leadership skills, organizational abilities, and a background in healthcare administration are essential for this position.
  4. Warden: Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa is seeking a responsible and experienced Warden to manage the hostel facilities for its students. The Warden will be responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of the students, enforcing discipline, and maintaining a conducive living environment. Excellent interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, and a genuine concern for student welfare are key qualities required for this role.
  5. Nursing Staff (GNM/B.Sc.): Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa is also looking to hire qualified and compassionate nursing staff. Candidates with a General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) or Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc. Nursing) degree are invited to apply. The nursing staff will be responsible for providing comprehensive patient care, administering medications, assisting doctors, and maintaining accurate medical records. Prior experience in a hospital setting and a strong commitment to patient well-being are essential for this role.

For more information regarding above post eligibility criteria please read official notification or information available on LBKMCH SAHARSA official website. 

Nursing staff vacancies at Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College

Interested candidates are encouraged to review the specific requirements for each position and submit their applications accordingly. Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa offers a competitive salary, a supportive work environment, and opportunities for professional growth and development.

In conclusion, Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa’s announcement of multiple job openings for various positions presents an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking a rewarding career in the medical field.

These vacancies, ranging from social media and media management to hospital administration and nursing, provide a diverse array of roles for qualified professionals. By joining the esteemed team at Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Baijnathpur, Saharsa, successful candidates can contribute to the institution’s mission of providing quality healthcare and education to the community.

Apply Now: 

Send your resume at [email protected]
Recruitment Web Site: www.lbkmch.org/job-opening

Official Website :

Last Date: visit official website

FAQ – Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Saharsa Announces Multiple Vacancies for Various Post in 2023

  1. What is Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital (LBKMCH), Saharsa? Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital is a MBBS College or Institution located in Saharsa, Bihar, dedicated to providing quality healthcare services and medical education. It is committed to excellence in patient care, medical research, and training the next generation of healthcare professionals.
  2. What positions are available at LBKMCH Saharsa for 2023? LBKMCH Saharsa has announced multiple job vacancies for 2023. The available positions include:
  • Social Media & Media Manager
  • Marketing Officer
  • Hospital Manager/Administrator (Assistant)
  • Warden
  • Nursing Staff (GNM/B.Sc.)
  1. How can I apply for a job at LBKMCH Saharsa? To apply for a job at LBKMCH Saharsa, interested candidates can visit the official website or send resume to [email protected]. They can find the detailed job descriptions, eligibility criteria, and application process for each position. The application process typically involves submitting an online application form, attaching relevant documents, and following the specified instructions.
  2. What qualifications and experience are required for these positions? The qualifications and experience required for each position may vary. Generally, LBKMCH Saharsa seeks individuals with relevant educational backgrounds and experience in the respective fields. The specific requirements for each position, such as educational qualifications, work experience, and skills, will be mentioned in the job descriptions.
  3. What is the selection process for these job vacancies? The selection process for the job vacancies at LBKMCH Saharsa typically involves multiple stages. It may include screening of applications, tests, interviews, and sometimes practical assessments, depending on the position. The exact selection process details will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates.
  4. What are the benefits of working at LBKMCH Saharsa? LBKMCH Saharsa offers a supportive work environment and numerous benefits to its employees. Some of the benefits may include competitive salary packages, professional growth opportunities, access to state-of-the-art medical facilities and equipment, continuous learning and training programs, and the opportunity to work with a highly skilled and dedicated team.
  5. Is LBKMCH Saharsa an equal opportunity employer? Yes, LBKMCH Saharsa is an equal opportunity employer. It welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds and does not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or any other characteristic protected by law. The institution believes in providing equal opportunities to all candidates based on their qualifications and abilities.
  6. Can I apply for multiple positions at LBKMCH Saharsa? Yes, candidates can apply for multiple positions at LBKMCH Saharsa if they meet the eligibility criteria for those positions. However, it is recommended to carefully review the requirements and job descriptions before applying to ensure a good fit with the desired position.
  7. Are these positions full-time or part-time? The positions at LBKMCH Saharsa are typically full-time positions unless otherwise specified in the job descriptions. Applicants should refer to the specific details mentioned for each position to understand the working hours and employment type.
  8. Where can I find more information about the job vacancies at LBKMCH Saharsa? For more information about the job vacancies at LBKMCH Saharsa, interested candidates can visit the official website of the institution or refer to the designated job portals where the vacancies are posted. Additionally, they can reach out to LBKMCH Saharsa’s human resources department for any specific queries or clarifications.

Related searches for Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College (L.B.K.M.C.H.) Saharsa Job Openings:

  1. L.B.K.M.C.H. Saharsa job vacancies
  2. Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College job opportunities
  3. LBKMCH Saharsa recruitment
  4. Medical college job openings in Saharsa
  5. Career opportunities at Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College
  6. LBKMCH Saharsa employment
  7. Jobs in the healthcare sector at L.B.K.M.C.H.
  8. Nursing staff vacancies at Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College
  9. Administrative positions at LBKMCH Saharsa
  10. Hospital management job openings at L.B.K.M.C.H.

Remember to use these keywords while searching for specific job openings at Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College (L.B.K.M.C.H.) Saharsa to get relevant results.


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Best of luck!

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